Saturday, July 6, 2013

Missouri Woman Starts Petition To Remove Sexist Rush Limbaugh’s Bust From Place Of Honor In State Capitol Read more:

As sponsor after sponsor continue to pull ads from woman-hater Rush Limbaugh’s radio show for calling birth control advocate Sandra Fluke a “slut,” one Missouri woman is launching an attack against the conservative loudmouth’s bust in the Hall of Famous Missourians in the State Capitol.
Heather Woodside has started a petition demanding the removal of the bust, installed in the State Capitol by Missouri Republicans in 2012 in the midst of the fury generated by Limbaugh’s vicious sexist attack on Fluke.
In a statement to the St. Louis Post Dispatch, Woodside made it clear that Limbaugh doesn’t deserve a bust and it certainly doesn’t belong in the State Capitol.
“Since Sandra Fluke, Rush has still been demeaning women, people of color, immigrants, the working class and the LGBT community,” Woodside stated. “As a Missourian, I am appalled that we made and placed a bust of him in our State Capitol. He does not represent Missourians. He should not represent Missouri.”
For years, Rush Limbaugh has made constant offensive attacks on minorities, women, liberals, and the LGBT community. Here are 35 of his worst attacks that represent merely a fraction of his despicable remarks over the years. There has been no low to which Limbaugh won’t stoop to criticize those he hates. He has been a pox on America and an embarrassment to the people of Missouri. As a Missouri resident, I’m ashamed of Rush Limbaugh. He has no business being on radio and he certainly has no place among great Missourians such as Mark Twain and Walt Disney.
i'm picturing opening scene of the Simpson's they cut the big head off and it falls on  ralphie since he's a cartoon, it would be poetic justice.  he must have had and obviously still having issues he can't rid himself of even with the drugs. peoples need to chastise and demean others generally comes from a need to feel in his case self important.  i thought carnival sideshow barkers went out i the 40's.  he is in decline like most racist celebrities that get to the top with the shock jock rhetoric it goes to their heads and they try to out do each previous outing until the overreach and the downward spiral begins, and no one any longer kisses your ring.  postcards from hell return to sender Limbaugh.