Saturday, July 6, 2013

How Southern States Are Harming America And What We Can Do About It Read more:
south2There are currently two versions of America operating in this nation. One comprises the states in the North, the other, the states in the South. At first glance, the average visitor wouldn’t notice much of a difference. After all, we nearly all speak the same language, eat the same kinds of foods, share common histories, customs, religions, wear similar clothing, and enjoy the same sports. The only thing that seems to be dividing us is politics and how we view government.
 In the South, conservatives are in control. Fear and hatred of the federal governments run rampant, which leads to the election of those who want to dismantle it. In the North, liberals are the majority. Government is generally viewed as a bastion for the common good, which leads to the election of those who seek change to advance the country and solve its problems. The question is, can these two visions of governing co-exist or do we have a problem that only separation of the union can solve?
It is clear that there are major differences between the North and the South. The South is anti-union while the North is largely pro-union. The South is anti-choice while the North is pro-choice. The South is anti-gay while the North is rapidly expanding gay rights. Religious fundamentalism is more prevalent in the South than it is in the North. The South is still fighting the Civil War while the North has moved on. Furthermore,
 Southern states oppose gun regulations, government health care, increased voting rights, lower taxes, do not fund public education as much as they should, and are profoundly more racist. To be sure, lower taxes appeal to just about every American, but when the nation has a debt problem, it is the liberal North that generally supports raising taxes as part of the solution to debt issues. And even though all Americans support Second Amendment rights, the liberal North realizes that common sense regulations can prevent gun violence without infringing on gun rights. And there is no doubt that racism can be found in every state in the nation. It’s just that the South has a deep-seated history of it.
i see this as an example of how America goes into, starts wars with, try to introduce the failed ideal of democracy which has failed here and we try to push this warped example to other countries "be like us", most already are they just don't hide it. they give their women no respect, they neglect the poorer of the country while they live high on the hog like the pigs that they are.  

we have this insatiable need to force ourselves within this country on others, look at the evangelicals teach hate and separatism in the name of God, political leaders lining their pockets while you have no job or food or home, if you are homosexual you are the reason God is punishing you and the rest of them, which creates even more hate because now they are the one's responsible for what really is being done to them by right wing gov't.

they think they'll be deprived if you give food stamps to a family, well they will be deprived because of their continued vote for republicans that only allow them to keep the old ways of southern radicalism, happy for that they don't see what they are not getting ACA FOR ONE BIGGIE.

the first paragraph is partially wrong, while we do these things there are differences in food preparation, vernacular, religious teaching, the way we view and treat one another aside from sports we pretty much are only breathing as a commonality, and even that is dictated by red state deregulation and business pollution.
The main argument for allowing the Southern states to secede is that the South is dragging the nation down. Because the South is anti-union and anti-worker’s rights, they offer foreign nations cheap labor which brings in jobs at the expense of Northern industry. Cheaper labor leads to cheaper products, which means Southern businesses will rake in more demand. The core example used to show this is the American auto industry which is based in Michigan.
Since the South is able to offer cheap labor to foreign auto-makers, they can sell cheaper cars to the American public resulting in less American made cars being purchased by consumers. This is a major problem if you support worker’s rights and strong American industry. How can we have strong protections for workers and revive American industry if Southerners are constantly willing to work for far less money and fewer protections?
As Alternet notes, by voting for conservative politicians and conservative policies, Southerners are voting against their own interests and as a result, “also have “inferior health and pension plans, less job security, higher risk of being fired for trivial reasons, and diminished safety precautions. …”" But the question is, wouldn’t the cheap labor policies still hurt the North even if separation occurs? I assume foreign countries and businesses will still prefer the cheap labor of the South and unless tariffs are enacted, I’m betting Northerners will still buy the cheap goods produced by Southern industry.
all this rhetoric about our differences and the need to change them to a more tolerable for everyone, but some things like bigotry, racism, bought politicians, right wing republican "values" are not acceptable and even though they are basically the law of some states they are the seeds of separation.  maybe it would be a good idea since this is really no longer the "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA", but a bunch of individual countries with their own rules you know the ones they send back to state, each with it's own responsibility no gov't assist after disaster or the politicians bankrupt them.  you are your own sovereign state, self sufficient. then you'll see the need for gov't and all those things the republicans told you you didn't want on your back or your bedroom.  in other words be careful what you wish for, and f you think the grass is greener on the other side, you're peeing on yours.