Saturday, July 6, 2013

Peaceful Occupy Protesters Brutally Silenced By Police Receive $1 Million Settlement (VIDEO)
The Occupy movement was peaceful until police and city officials unleashed violence. Now one police department is being forced to pay for their brutality. Image @IndyInfo
They came with tents, water bottles, musical instruments, and passion. Thousands of people from all walks of life came together. Old, young, Latino, white, African-American, Asian; lawyers, doctors, school teachers, students, war veterans; all joined to protest the inequality between the top 1 percent income earners and the rest of us…the 99 percent.
The Occupy movement, which started in Zuccotti Park in September 2011, spread quickly across the nation. It was a movement that energized us all. We, the people – the people who have been sitting on the sidelines watching the rich wage war on the rest. It was the biggest protest many of us, people of my generation, have ever seen and it was amazing. There was nothing more exciting than seeing our voices finally being heard.
then the war against occupy begins, we get all sorts of misinfo, misleading charges, plants that come in and do obscene things so occupy would get the blame, Fox we made their cycle of faux news for a couple of months hardest thing they had to do was create stories around the truth, which come pretty easy to them, and natural.
However, the excitement didn’t last more than a couple of months before this happened:
When we tried—peacefully—to exercise our Constitutional right to assemble, we were harassed, tear-gassed, assaulted with bean bag guns and other weapons, arrested, and charged with crimes. Two innocent civilians, both Iraq War veterans, one of whom wasn’t even a participant, nearly died as a direct result of the police brutality waged against citizens legally rallying for the attention of our government.
They came at us with guns, TASERS,  batons, flash-bang devices, rubber bullets, tear gas and other chemical weapons, wearing full body armor and sporting shields to protect themselves from … bottles of water, maybe some rocks, and possibly a little paint.
reminiscent of the '50's, '60's and '70's storm trooper tactics to control controlled and legal protesting.  the thing that bothered me the most was the gung ho attitude we have seen many more times than comfortable that "law enforcement?? goes after citizens in peaceful demonstration, some go really overboard but the action taken where authorized by the heads of that city or state, obviously with no guidelines other then do it.