Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Carly Fiorina Comes Unglued Over The CFPB

Image result for republican socialism cartoons

Here's what I can say about Carly Fiorina's performance in tonight's debate: She was, for the most part, a study in quiet psychotic behavior. The only times she ramped up the volume were the times that she would nearly shout the words "We need to take our country (and/or government) back again!"   Other than that, she was just psycho, in her unique psycho way. This moment, more even than her Obamacare claim, was about as crazy as I've ever seen her.
The topic under discussion was the big banks, and whether they should be broken up. That is a topic for a separate post, which will be forthcoming. Governor Kasich and Senator Cruz had given their somewhat populist answer (an irony in itself, given their ties to Wall Street), and Fiorina broke in.
Here's what I can say about Carly Fiorina's performance in tonight's debate: She was, for the most part, a study in quiet psychotic behavior. The only times she ramped up the volume were the times that she would nearly shout the words "We need to take our country (and/or government) back again!"
Other than that, she was just psycho, in her unique psycho way. This moment, more even than her Obamacare claim, was about as crazy as I've ever seen her.
The topic under discussion was the big banks, and whether they should be broken up. That is a topic for a separate post, which will be forthcoming. Governor Kasich and Senator Cruz had given their somewhat populist answer (an irony in itself, given their ties to Wall Street), and Fiorina broke in.
This is how socialism starts, ladies and gentlemen. We must take our government back.
And Carly, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the Kochs, and Wall Street thank you so very much for that claim, which was received by the audience with thunderous applause.
Yes, that's right, Carly claims a watchdog agency that stands up for ordinary consumers like you and me is SOCIALISM.
Why is it socialism? Because it benefits consumers. A recent fact sheet outlining the CFPB's shining successes explains further. Here are 10 wins for ordinary folks:
Enforcement actions have already returned more than $10 billion to consumers.
Rules prohibit mortgage loans that borrowers can't afford to repay and take action against exhorbitant fees and abusive payment structures. 
Stands up for borrowers and families struggling with student loans.
CFPB has documented widespread abuses in the payday lending industry and working on rules to prohibit abusive trap lending. 
Working to ensure fair and equal access to auto loans.
Making sure costs are clear and people's rights protected when they send money overseas. 
Shutting down "last dollar" scams that charge up-front fees for help that never gets delivered.
how stupid are republican base voters we all pretty much use or depend on socialism to survive but in their overzealous attempt to scare their people of yet another bogeyman they have turned in cases like SS, MEDICAID AND CARE , UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION, FOOD STAMPS, WIC, HOUSING into a dark mark of those living off their dime.  and others they have appealed to the selfish right wing nature of those who need those programs speaking of which are a majority of their supporters as well as the well off so now if you need a crust of bread you're SOL.