Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Poof! The IRS Scandal Evaporates


Article PhotoRepublicans on Capitol Hill have sought to turn the IRS mess into a full-fledged political scandal, charging that President Obama or his White House or at least liberal IRS staffers deliberately tried to punish tea partiers and other conservative outfits. 
But Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) & Co. havecome up empty-handed. A Treasury Department inspector general foundno evidence of political influence or bias. 
The head of the IRS division in question in Cincinnati identified himself to investigators as a "conservative Republican" and said politics played no role in their vetting decisions. 
And now it turns out, as the Associated Pressreported, the IRS also singled out for extra scrutiny groups applying for nonprofit status with "progressive, "occupy," and "Israel" in their name. That is, liberal outfits were targeted, too. Oops.
and again the jump guns blazing Issa foaming at the mouth " they were out to get us conservatives" and then after weeks of ugly and finger pointing and denial after  WH was exonerated and continuing of their snipe hunt.
they must be held accountable for all the money he spent on this and other witch hunts that revealed no witch. progressives need to bring him into the room with the bright light and ask him "WHY".
Democrats on the House Ways and Means Committee have obtained a list of group names IRS staffers used when applying extra scrutiny to applications for nonprofit status. This list of words to look out for also included "Medical Marijuana," "Occupied Territory Advocacy,"
"Healthcare legislation," "Paying National Debt," and "Green Energy Organizations." That AP reports that the IRS used those assorted terms from August 2010 through April 2013 to target applications for special review. It is unclear how many progressive or Occupy groups received additional attention from the IRS, or if those groups faced the sort of delays experienced by dozens of conservative groups did.
But this list shows that IRS employees weren't only looking for conservative buzz words as they examined political nonprofit groups; they were on the watch for groups of all political stripes.
they should have asked and the budget might have gone down by millions, they are spending like drugged out inquisitor's.