Monday, June 24, 2013

Paul Ryan: 'I'm Focused On Poverty These Days'

Article Photobtw i thought they were focused on jobs now are they confused or just lying again?
House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) said Monday that he's focused primarily on addressing poverty, a week after he complained that the farm bill did not include enough cuts to the food stamp program.
"Look, I'm a conservative who believes that our constitutional principles, founding principles are the key principles for the day and they're the best if applied to our problems to solve problems," Ryan said during an appearance on MSNBC's "Morning Joe." "And we need to have that kind of temperament. This is why I'm focused on poverty these days, this is why I'm focused on  -- we've got the 50th anniversary of the war on poverty coming up next year. We don't have much to show for it."
are we to believe he doesn't know why there is little to show for it?  he and the rest of his party is why, i saw this on morning joe, while they rolled soft balls in his direction he sat there and lied like he did during the campaign. he was aware look at the double talking he did in this last paragraph.
he comes in touting how focused they are the world knows their only focus was the Black guy who handed them defeat twice no matter what skulduggery they employed the country rejected them, and they seek to "win you back" as if you were on their side in the first place.
 He argued that "there are better ideas that we can use to approach and attack the root causes of poverty" and that the right "should not cede the moral high ground on this issue." 
The Wisconsin Republican voted against the farm bill that failed in the House of Representatives last week. In a floor statement, Ryan lamented that the farm bill proposed only "modest changes" to the food stamp program, which he said had grown at an alarming rate. Ryan did, however, vote for an amendment to the farm bill authored by Rep. Steve Southerland (R-FL) that would have applied federal work requirements to the food stamp program, a measure that cost the legislation Democratic votes.
they are really playing us for bad they by action seem to feel comfortable pursuing their regular path after the other lie about change, then the lie about change in rhetoric which they now have run out of things to change because their "VALUES" don't need a change.  
there is nothing new under the republican tents just more smelly dung Beohner needs to trade in that giant gavel Pelosi gave him for a giant pooper scooper