Sunday, June 16, 2013

Evangelicals to GOP: Don't betray us on abortion

so what proof do they need they have been as hateful and Godless as possible what more do the religious zealots want?
Article PhotoAfter Todd Akin last year and Trent Franks this week, abortion is about the last topic many national Republicans want the political conversation to focus on.
Yet social conservatives in town this week for the Faith and Freedom Coalition Conference say the GOP would be making a grave mistake to ignore the hot-button culture war issue. To the contrary, they believe it’s key to the party’s fortunes in the 2014 midterms and beyond.
we agree it is but that is a double edged sword and our side is sharper and not as mean spirited, they've done nothing to change that image that less than half the country voted for twice for them, drink the juice Jonestown wants it's ever faithful to come home again.
In the wake of abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell’s murder convictions, they are prodding GOP leaders to play offense at the national and state level.
 “This is a time for the pro-life movement like we have not had in decades,” said former Rep. Marilyn Musgrave (R-Colo.), who works for the Susan B. Anthony List, which focuses on electing anti-abortion women to Congress. “We must seize the moment.”
The Republican National Committee’s 100-page “autopsy” report in March, packed with recommendations for how the party can recover after its 2012 losses, did not make reference to abortion. “When it comes to social issues,” it stated, “the Party must in fact and deed be inclusive and welcoming. If we are not, we will limit our ability to attract young people and others, including many women, who agree with us on some but not all issues.”
you think?  since they refuse to admit a wrong women will they like other things they've done deny it to the point of brushing it off, say yes please, and watch the building housing right wing ideology implode.  100 pages hmmmmm did they complain about reading that too or did they do like the rest not read or show up for a briefing?