Sunday, June 16, 2013

The Conservative Sideshow Descends On Washington D.C. -

Article PhotoThe clown car of conservatism known as the Faith And Freedom Conference pulled up at the J.W. Marriott Hotel in Washington D.C. this weekend and disgorged its contents of conservatives and evangelicals for 3 days of attacking President Obama and liberals, with some old-fashioned victim-hood wallowing for good measure. The speakers railed against everything and anything that they felt threatened their “freedoms.” That included, of course, immigration and the make-believe oppression of their brand of “Christianity.”
The Faith and Freedom Coalition, the main sponsor of the conference, was created in 2009 by Ralph Reed as a way to bring tea partiers and evangelicals together. The theme this year was “Road To Majority,” (hey, stop laughing – they’re serious!) and they brought in all the big names: Sarah Palin, Rand Paul, Michele Bachmann, Allen West, Mark Sanford, Rick Perry, Marco Rubio, Paul Ryan, Jeb Bush, Herman Cain and E.W. Jackson all preached to the choir over the conference’s three days. Here’s some of the best (?) diatribes, zingers and facepalm moments:
Herman Cain introduced a new shorthand with his “ETA” plan, “enthusiasm, targeted races and activists.” He stressed the need for new faces in the movement: “We have got to stop sending nearly 90 percent of the people in D.C. back to D.C. We should expand what we’ve already been doing. Create a groundswell of activists, and citizens and patriots.” Patriots, eh? It might be good if you stopped using that word since what you really mean by it is “those who agree with my ideology.” I suggest “sycophants.”
why do we always find these gatherings of right wing and evangelicals are no more then hatefest. i can't believe any of them have read a Bible and still cheer and shout at the vitriol and bigotry that seems to be their key speak, no solutions of a real kind just self promoting and no sign of change of anything especially the last claim of the way they say it, i think it's increased in it's absurdity.
The overall message to the attendees seems to be that they know best how to run this country. The Founding Fathers were just a bunch of faithless liberals, I guess, since the Constitution and Declaration of Independence enshrine ideals that these tea party/evangelical chimeras find repulsive.
They can't seem to see the conundrum into which they have painted themselves (or maybe don't care): they invoke the Founding Fathers as validation of their ideology yet they reject the actual creed those great men espoused and wrote down as the best way they saw in which to run a country.
my sentiment exactly i've said it before the founding guys serve as a poster child of the party that does not operate under those truths that were held self evident, when you don't do as you say you are in english you're a hypocrite i guess not to all.understand that or care.