Wednesday, May 13, 2015

TX House Passes Bill That Would Label Cards Of Those With O-care Subsidies


The Texas state House on Monday passed a bill that would add a label to the insurance cards of individuals who purchased health insurance plans via an exchange established through Obamacare.
After the bill cleared an initial vote in the House last week, legislators voted 129-8 to approve the bill in a final vote on Monday, according to the Texas House clerk's office.
House Bill 1514, sponsored by Republican state Rep. J.D. Sheffield, would add the label "QHP" to the cards of individuals who purchased plans through the exchange, and "QHP-S" for those who receive subsidies.
Supporters of the bill say that the labels will help doctors understand the type of insurance coverage a patient has and remind patients to continue with their insurance payments, according to the Texas Tribune.
 "Other than creating a group that you’re going to discriminate against, I don’t see any purpose for indicating that people are getting a subsidy," Jose E. Camacho, executive director of the Texas Association of Community Health Centers, told the Texas Tribune.
yeah what this is is a scarlet letter to point out those they can discriminate against and hopefully shame then for getting subsidies. demeaning by association they can't take down the big dog so they go after those who follow, didn't those like them back in the day do that to Jesus's disciples and followers too???  they are still trying to undermine and take away your healthcare, believe me it's not about the healthcare plan it's about trying to get a victory from the jaws of defeat they beat the plan up they lied to us about it and are still calling it a train wreck and an abomination despite the numbers and positive responses not the paid dissent they produce.  

their own people love it but that like any other truth for them will not stop the bald faced lies.  it's all about a knockout punch they've been trying to land for going on 7 years on Pres.'s chin but he just keeps them OutBama'd at every turn.  remember they have tried to kill it 56 times and are still discussing given it another try insanity nah just bat crap crazies in denial of you and your health and well being.