Friday, May 15, 2015

House Republicans snub Dreamers yet again, voting to block them from military service


The House voted Thursday to strip language from the Defense funding bill that would have directed the Pentagon to consider making Dreamers who qualified for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program eligible for military service.
The amendment to remove the language, offered by Republican Rep. Mo Brooks of Alabama, was adopted 221-202 without a single Democratic vote. The original language of the National Defense Authorization Act, which included the Dreamer provision for military service, had been approved by the GOP-controlled House Armed Services Committee 33-30 with the help of six Republicans.
The Dreamer provision drew heated debate on the House floor. Rep. Luis Gutierrez of Illinois went on a tear, noting that the approximately 700,000 eligible Dreamers had passed criminal background checks and Republicans were "taking one more dive down the anti-immigrant rabbit hole."
If the majority party is unable to allow a nonbinding study approved by the committee of jurisdiction, where they are the majority, because it includes the word immigrant, without slapping the word amnesty on it—how on earth are you able to fix our broken immigration system or win over the fastest-growing group of voters in this country. It's clear to me that the candidate who is ready to embrace immigrants and protect Dreamers and their families, may as well start measuring the drapes at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. And I think I know what her name is. 
 If the majority party is unable to allow a nonbinding study approved by the committee of jurisdiction, where they are the majority, because it includes the word immigrant, without slapping the word amnesty on it—how on earth are you able to fix our broken immigration system or win over the fastest-growing group of voters in this country. It's clear to me that the candidate who is ready to embrace immigrants and protect Dreamers and their families, may as well start measuring the drapes at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. And I think I know what her name is.
Rep. Steve "cantaloupe" King, speaking from his parallel universe, claimed once again that no one can "quote any anti-immigrant statements from anyone over on this side."
 this must be the "stupidest" part of the republican party,  we know they don't want Hispanics here now that they can't get them to work for pennys on their lawns or in their houses, now they don't want them in the military not to long ago it was Gay's they didn't want in the wars they seem to be rabid about starting.

devils advocate, if they don't want them here wouldn't it be to their reprehensible bigoted agenda to have them in the wings to fight say the war with Iran they are trying to work up on???  kills two birds with one stone they get them out of the country and more than likely killed now devil's devil's advocate they would still be elligible for absentee voting and it wouldn't be for them.  they can find some way around it it's the republican anti American way.

King,  "no one can quote anti immigration statements from his side" well that seals his inability to hold any office that one jumps to the top of the list right after his cantaloupe crack. and the azzhole has the audacity of arrogance to try and defend it.  looks like he is the number one person to quote.