Sunday, April 14, 2013

Rubio says immigrant proposal 'not a special path'

Article PhotoSen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) took to the airwaves Sunday to talk up the immigration reform being proposed this week by the bipartisan “Gang of Eight.”
But he cautioned in an appearance on CBS’s “Face the Nation” that the legislation is not drafted yet and it won’t be until a bill is written that everyone will officially sign off.
“We’re not agreeing to a press release, we’re agreeing to a piece of legislation, a bill,” Rubio said. “They’re still being drafted, so I would say if the draft reflects what we agreed to I look forward to us being able to talk in more detail last this week about that.”
Rubio said staff was continuing to draft the bill on Sunday.
“I want to read the bill before we introduce it, and I’m in the process of doing that, but I think it will be very soon,” he said.
didn't they tell us they hd a plan, but they would only read it to us after the election, they trying the same failure again this time after 2014 election?
But he did outline the process that will be needed for undocumented immigrants who are already in the country.
i heard him on Fox news Sunday, what the inference that i got was he was reneging on the sugar and spice and everything nice vtalk and his reaql right wing interest revealed themselves, i heard "SELF DEPORTATION", GO HOME FOR 10 YEARS,  
all the right wing rhetoric that has not gone away in spite of their claim to change, Iurge Hispanic's stop, look, listen it's the same old song, 2014 make them know you are not that gullible.
They will have to come forward and pass a rigorous background check. If they’re criminals they won’t qualify,” Rubio said. “If they pass that background check, they will be given an opportunity to pay an application fee and a fine and in exchange for that they will be given a guest worker permit allowing them to stay in the U.S., work, travel and pay taxes.”
Workers won’t qualify for any special treatment or benefits, including Obamacare, he added. Once they get a work permit, they will remain in the system before they can move to the next step.
so he just wasted our time with a declaration of nothing, still no change on the horizon, they talk one way when they start by the time they get to the middle it starts to sound oddly familiar when there is suppose to be change. even the inference in text sounds harsh and unforgiving, if they get back in charge things will change they'll get harsher.