Sunday, March 15, 2015

"No Arrests In The Shooting Of Two Ferguson Cops. But Fox News Already Knows Who To Blame."
Thus far, there has been no arrests and “an intense manhunt for suspects” is underway.
On Fox News, however, many already know who is to blame: President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder. On Fox Business, Stu Varney asked pundit Crystal Wright if the Obama administration was to blame for the shootings. Wright replied, “I think Eric Holder is largely to blame along with President Obama.”
first we have to go back to years of the city's war on it's Black citizens financing the city taxation without representation at best. well we all have heard the phrase "you can have your own opinions but you can't have your own facts"  that said if  fault is to be assigned let's start with the city council that hired Warren coming from a questionable job and performance to the killer himself i still think like reported early on he reached out grabbed Michael pulled him head first into the car pulled his weapon to intimidate and got a 18 yr old fighting for his life.  punches i'm sure were self defense when gun went off and Michael fled the scene Wilson was pissed that his actions didn't get the response he wanted so he walked him down while shooting and eventually killed him while in a vengeful zone.

next blame the cops who left his body lying in the street for 4 hours for the people to see, than look at the DA and the jury and the judge any person with an ounce of humanity would have spilled the beans on the collaborative effort to free a murderous cop. ans finally the disappointing return by DOJ and still no charges,  the firings and stepping downs were to little too late and IMO not all the right ones have left starting with the Gov. and the mayor and the DA.