Sunday, April 14, 2013

RNC Reaffirms Marriage Stance, Highlighting Party's Growing Divide
Article PhotoWASHINGTON — Following the Republican National Committee's unanimous approval of two resolutions to reaffirm "its support for marriage as the union of one man and one woman" Friday, the head of a group fighting for inclusion of gays in the conservative movement said, "I guess they are not finished losing."
All of the resolutions presented at Friday's meeting of the RNC — including ones addressing abortion and immigration and one honoring Ron Paul — were passed en masse by unanimous voice vote, Time reported. Multiple former RNC staff members spoke out in opposition to the move in advance of Friday's vote.
GOProud executive director Jimmy LaSalvia said of the vote for the marriage resolutions, "The platform is clear about the party's position on marriage, so the resolution wasn't necessary. This resolution was motivated by anti-gay bigotry and brought forward by RNC members who just don't like gay people."
you can make all the cosmetic changes smear the pig with Revlon lipstick a change from necessity is not a change of heart it's more of a gas passing that usually dissipates within seconds of the time you do, just like the odorous implications were never there.
"Instead of moving forward toward the inclusive and welcoming party that they say they're trying to create, the GOP has instead alienated wide swaths of independent voters, young voters and even Republicans who are at odds with their hardline stance against LGBT equality," said HRC spokesman Michael Cole-Schwartz.
LaSalvia said, "Tolerating this kind of bigotry will only serve to turn off more and more voters, and until the leadership of the RNC is willing to confront and denounce bigotry in its own ranks, they will continue to lose elections."
if they did not understand this from the beginning then they really don't need to be behind the wheel, no wonder they drove us into a ditch.