Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Allen West concedes to Patrick Murphy


what got to him first, reality or embarrassment?
Florida Rep. Allen West — the tea party pugilist and face of the class of House Republicans that stormed to power two years ago — conceded Tuesday to 29-year-old construction executive Patrick Murphy in one of the nation’s highest-profile congressional races.
After two weeks of battle with St. Lucie County elections officials — and a recount of early votes that wound up extending Murphy’s lead — West acknowledged that he couldn’t surmount his 1,904-vote, or 0.58 percent, deficit. That difference was just outside the 0.5 percent threshold to automatically trigger a recount of all votes.
“For two weeks since Election Day, we have been working to ensure every vote is counted accurately and fairly. We have made progress towards that goal, thanks to the dedication of our supporters and their unrelenting efforts to protect the integrity of the democratic process,” West said in a statement to POLITICO. “While many questions remain unanswered, today I am announcing that I will take no further action tocontest the outcome of this election.”
this from the leading hate mongerer of the right wing who are the only culprits proven to have been involved in that elusive voter fraud they never found because they never ooked in the mirror.
West congratulated Murphy, saying, “I pray he will serve his constituents with honor and integrity, and put the interests of our nation before his own.”
so denying the people the candidate the actually elected for two weeks because of a sick sense of denying his own rejection especially after he was so nasty and said all the republican buzz words and introduced some new stuff he's Hrriet Tubman"???? "getting us off the liberal plantation"????