Thursday, December 6, 2012

Creationist Lawmaker Wants Indiana Teachers To Prove Science Of Evolution

this is a religion trying to forc it's beliefs on the rest of us, if it were us doing it to them there would be a Holy War.
Though Indiana state senator Dennis Kruse (R) failed to pass his measure requiring schools to teach creationism alongside evolution, he hasn’t given up. Rather than another attempt at the creationist bill, Kruse, the chairman of Indiana’s Senate Education and Career Development Committee, plans to offer “truth in education” legislation.
The “truth in education” bill won’t mention religion, God, or Adam and Eve. Instead, the bill vaguely suggests that students challenge teachers and make them prove the truth. As Kruse’s colleague, Sen. Tim Skinner (D-IN), pointed out, this bill describes the basic interaction of teacher and student:
“If you’re teaching something, then a student could question that and say, you know, ‘How do you know that’s true?’ And so the teacher would have to come up with different sources, ‘This is why I think this is true,’” Kruse says.
this guy must still think everyone else is one beer short of a six pack in the intelligence department.  
if said teacher was confronted with the creationism theory they would have to prove that as well does he think pointing it out in the Bible is proof, why can't pointing it out in a science book carry the same weight both were written by scholars not of supernatural attributes.
this is why those who knew created the separation of Church and State, both are controlled by men capable of irrational actions.
Though Indiana state senator Dennis Kruse (R) failed to pass his measure requiring schools to teach creationism alongside evolution, he hasn’t given up. Rather than another attempt at the creationist bill, Kruse, the chairman of Indiana’s Senate Education and Career Development Committee, plans to offer “truth in education” legislation.
The “truth in education” bill won’t mention religion, God, or Adam and Eve. Instead, the bill vaguely suggests that students challenge teachers and make them prove the truth. As Kruse’s colleague, Sen. Tim Skinner (D-IN), pointed out, this bill describes the basic interaction of teacher and student:
“If you’re teaching something, then a student could question that and say, you know, ‘How do you know that’s true?’ And so the teacher would have to come up with different sources, ‘This is why I think this is true,’” Kruse says.
i still feel it beyond the scope of teachers of school age kids to venture into explanations of things not of this earth. to do so would only create more questions and confusion, they are not qualified to explain to a certainty anything of that nature, nor our Pasrtors, Rabi's, Preist, ministers they are taught from a book that has been reinterpreted millions of times and there is still no one definitive answer.