Thursday, December 6, 2012

Congress Removes Word 'Lunatic' From Federal Law - It's outdated and offensive, say advocates of the move

why too close to home? there they go again rewriting history with the help of a confused democrat, and the resistance by one enlightened republican. see they really aren't a do nothing congress they not only confirm"IN God we trust" on our money and name a couple of streets and buildings now they have this landmark decision to remove their description of self from federal law, do they think we still won't know?
You can say "lunatic" all you want, but you probably won't have the government's blessing. The word "lunatic" will be stricken from federal law under legislation that passed the House today and is headed to President Obama for his signature. "The term `lunatic' holds a place in antiquity and should no longer have a prominent place in our US code," said Rep. Bobby Scott, D-Va., shortly before the 398-1 vote in the House. The word is derived from the Latin word from moon and ancient beliefs that people could become "moonstruck" by lunar movements.
The legislation cites one instance in banking regulation that refers to the authority of a bank to act as "committee of estates of lunatics" on guardianship issues. The lone "no" vote was cast by Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, who said in a statement that "not only should we not eliminate the word `lunatic' from federal law when the most pressing issue of the day is saving our country from bankruptcy, we should use the word to describe the people who want to continue with business as usual in Washington."
 It's outdated and offensive, say advocates of the move
so are the laws and deregulation they are trying to impose on us so what the fuss? they are really making themselves look like blithering idiots that lost their presumed power and their leader is gone now they run around like chickens with their heads cut off searching for something to say that will regenerate their base, too late?