Thursday, December 6, 2012

Jim DeMint Is Resigning: Here Are His 7 Craziest Moments

good bye o demented one i mean Demint
In a Senate packed with off-the-wall conservative lawmakers, DeMint managed to stand out, always promising to top the craziness with…more crazy. As we bid DeMint a fond farewell, let's relive his greatest moments:
1. DeMint says gay people and unmarried women having sex shouldn't teach your children.
According to the Spartanburg Herald-Journal, DeMint said this at a South Carolina rally: "If someone is openly homosexual, they shouldn't be teaching in the classroom and he holds the same position on an unmarried woman who's sleeping with her boyfriend—she shouldn't be in the classroom."
2. DeMint says God doesn't like big government.On a radio show in 2011, DeMint said: "I've said it often and I believe it—the bigger government gets, the smaller God gets. As people become more dependent on government, less dependent on God."
just a couple of entries in that soon to be SNL bio.
this guy is a throwback to the to 50's comedy shows and here again the right wants to put a certified wacko in high office.
7. DeMint falsely accuses President Obama of taxing Christmas.
On Fox News in 2011, DeMint said the government was "going to charge taxes on Christmas trees so they can start another government agency to promote Christmas trees. We don't need to do that at the federal level. We can't even afford to do what we're already doing. And to add another tax to something and say we're going to create a promotion agency, it just makes you want to pull your hair out."
This statement was in response to a division of the Department of Agriculture proposing that tree importers and producers pay 15 cents per tree, to fund a promotional campaign for Christmas. (The tax was tabled.)
this is really why they are losing their everything they keep hiring idiots like this demented reprobate