Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Republicans Suffer From 'Taking My Ball And Going Home' Syndrome


THESE ARE BLEAK TIMES FOR OUR FRIENDS ON THE RIGHT as they face up to the horrid reality that they tried to “Take Back America” and failed in ignominious fashion. The only solace they seem to find since Barack Obama won a second term in (to them) a stunning fashion comes from churning out petitions demanding the right to secede from the Union they so badly wanted to take back.
Still, there are embers in the ashes of even the worst defeats. The Nut Job right still rules the radio air waves. Fox News has four more years to convince unbalanced individuals that Obama is a Muslim or maybe a Cylon. And the U. S. House of Representatives is still firmly in their all-taxes-are-poison political grip. Michele Bachmann, the queen of the Nut Jobs, returns for another term, ready to deny that gay people actually exist. Steven King is back, too, prepared to go to his grave denying that President Obama has ever had a valid U. S. birth certificate. In fact, when last heard from on the topic, King was insisting that Obama’s parents might have faked the birth announcements that appeared in two Hawaiian newspapers, which announcements poor Steven King was forced to admit during a town hall meeting that he had personally seen in the Library of Congress records, by sending a telegram from Kenya.
What we’re saying, all boiled down, is there’s a whole lot of denyin’ goin’ on!
 after all the hoopla as to why they are emerging as a contradiction of themselves. everything they claimed as "values" have been largely rebuked by over have of the people, defections now that their reasons for that lost is so unpopular.
reelection looming in somes future are now denying their "values" and trying to hitch their wagons to the progressive train, which i might add was the worse thing ever an abomination that will destroy America's way of life, what snobs to align the the rest of us with "their way of life" not America's.
that was the primary problem that triggered their beat down they "ASSUMED" that the majority was with them and most believed all the crap they spewed on a daily basis, underestimation is a sure route to failure, when you have lie ridden insane platform it's equally as insane to think everybody's on board. you can't put down and expect to pick up as they like to say "American people are smarter than that" to bad they didn't believe their own not to subtle put down of American intelligence.