Monday, November 19, 2012

Ron Paul: If people can't secede, they are not free

Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) on Monday defended various petitions to secede from the United States that popped up soon after the election, and said secession is not an unpatriotic act, but rather a "deeply American principle."
"This country was born through secession," Paul said Monday. "Some felt it was treasonous to secede from England, but those 'traitors' became our country's greatest patriots.
by that logic this country was started by a bunch of anglo saxon treasonist SOB's how does that make them great patriots? because they came here killed inslaved and confined the indigenous to reservations. 
sounds like 17th century raiders raping and pillaging to their own end, ask the Native Americans the Blacks the South Americans the Mexicans how patriotic they think they are.
He quoted Thomas Jefferson, who said states should "separate from our companions only when the sole alternatives left, are the dissolution of our Union with them, or submission to a government without limitation of powers."
Paul implied the U.S. could be nearing the point at which the government has crossed the line in restricting the freedom of its citizens.
"When the people have very clearly withdrawn their consent for a law, the discussion should be over," he said. "If the Feds refuse to accept that and continue to run roughshod over the people, at what point do we acknowledge that that is not freedom anymore?"
"When the people have very clearly withdrawn their consent for a law, the discussion should be over,"
so does that not apply to voter rights which more than half believe is unconstutional, ACA more people want that, higher taxes on rich why are those conversations not over? they are baffling us again with BS because they can't dazzle us with truth and brilliance. pay attentention they well tell on theirselves.