Thursday, August 16, 2012

Paul Ryan: Medicare Debate Is One We Want To Have

Paul Ryan is down to debate Medicare.
The presumptive vice presidential nominee addressed the popular health care system for seniors on Wednesday night, making his pitch directly to voters for the first time since being picked Mitt Romney's running mate.
"The president, I am told, is talking about Medicare today," Ryan said during an appearance at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. "We want this debate. We need this debate, and we will win this debate.
"What I don’t think he’ll be telling people is that the president took $716 billion from the Medicare program -- he raided it -- to pay for Obamacare."
But while slamming Obama for Medicare cuts, Ryan failed to mention that his own plan actually leaves Obama's savings in place
i believe that's called lying to your face, but is it not also preaching to the choir? not hard to lead someone to where they already are, which is refusal to hear anything but the hate message, which by the way should make them more inclined to vote for the Pres. especially after Romney told them of the PRES.'S CAMPAIGN OF HATE. 
that should be right up their alley. but they won't embrace because they know it's another bald faced lie, and they 
HuffPost's Sam Stein reports there are two things wrong with that:
The first is that Obama didn't necessarily "cut" Medicare; he limited the expected rate of growth in the program on the supplier side by eliminating waste, fraud and abuse, mostly in Medicare Advantage. And the savings that Obama achieved are adopted by Ryan in his own budget.
The Obama campaign responded swiftly to Ryan's comments Wednesday night. “Today, Mitt Romney forced Paul Ryan to attack his own budget," Obama campaign spokesman Danny Kanner said in a statement. "Congressman Ryan knows that the $716 billion in Medicare savings that he included in two of his own budgets do not cut a single guaranteed Medicare benefit. It’s a shame that someone picked for his ‘strong beliefs’ is now abandoning them just to help Mr. Romney score a political point."
distortion of the truth does not make it untrue, "IT'S ON VIDEO TAPE STUPID".