Friday, November 13, 2015

Christie Team Hiding Thousands of Documents inc. Emails re Bridgegate

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In what will come as no surprise to anyone here, Chris Christie seems to have been indulging in a little projection at last nights Republican debate.
The revelations today couldn’t have been more ironic considering he said last night that he was uniquely qualified to prosecute Hillary Clinton.  Christie’s Team of lawyers in the Bridgegate case have been accused of hiding thousands of documents, including emails, relating to the Bridgegate scandal.
There are a few interesting snippets in the linked article, not least that David Wildstein took with him on the day he was fired Bill Baroni's hard drive from the Port Authority office, which must have been of some significance because he left his family photo’s behind seemingly without a second thought.
It has been confirmed that David Wildstein has been co-operating with the authorities from early on in the investigation.
Court papers also show that Christie testified before a federal grand jury re Bridgegate, something not previously known.
Bridget Kelly of “is it wrong that I’m smiling” fame, is alleging Christie’s lawyers tried to destroy notes of interviews.
Christie's legal team is inappropriately hiding thousands of documents related to the Bridgegate scandal, the two defense lawyers argued in briefs filed late Tuesday. Among the hidden documents, the lawyers say, are emails to and from the governor's personal and work email accounts and a calendar entry from the week when an order was delivered to close lanes at the George Washington Bridge in 2013.
The revelations come as Christie regularly pokes at Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton for using a private email account. "The real story is this -- I believe in my heart -- that Hillary Clinton doesn't want us to know what she's doing," Christie told a New Hampshire town hall over the summer. "She believes we don't have a right to know. When I'm president of the United States, you have a right to know what your president is doing."
Irony just died of shame and opted for cremation.
*A lawyer for Phil Kwon, a Port Authority lawyer and one-time Christie nominee to the state Supreme Court, has told federal authorities that he has information related to Bridgegate, according to Critchley.
as i listened to him in debates and interviews lately he's been finger pointing assigning blame and declaring his innocence and thinking to myself your day will come and why is he getting in to the race knowing that sword is dangling over his neck and the audacity of arrogance to bring shame on the country if he were the nominee then gets indicted  i think the rest of the country will never take us serious again republicans have already got us have way there with the treachery and bad mouthing of Pres. on top of the totally moronic things they say.

i think it's a matter of how long his subordinates can hold out and whatever he promised them is worth what the authorities are planning to do to them for obstructing justice and perjury.