Monday, October 19, 2015

Freedom Caucus in Chaos

The Tea Party victory in 2010 caused a major shift in our government. Not only did it give Republicans control of the House, it also put Republicans in solid control of many state houses and governorships across the country. This made it possible for strong gerrymandering of Congressional districts in those states, especially in the South. This was manifest in the 2012 and 2014 elections. Many Republicans who were deemed not “conservative” enough were challenged in the primary elections lost their seats to less-than-moderate Republicans who toed the hyper-conservative line. Cue now: The Freedom Caucus, a group of about 40 House Republicans.
The Freedom Caucus stands for a number of things such as denial of climate change, a hard line on immigration, ferocious opposition of any form of gun control, and a near-resolute unwillingness to compromise, especially with Democrats. The United States is a free country. People are free to express their opinions and fight for their own beliefs in different ways, but it’s this last item, an unwillingness to compromise, that is the root of the immediate dysfunction in Congress. The Freedom Caucus seems intent to dictate to the rest of Congress and to the country.
The Freedom Caucus is staunchly opposed to advancing any legislation in the House of Representatives that disagrees with their conservative principles. The Speaker of the House has the power to move any legislation to the House floor for a vote, but the Speaker must be elected by a majority of the House of Representatives.
There are 247 Republicans and 188 Democrats in the House. With this kind of a majority, the Republicans should easily be able to elect a Speaker. Yet, when the 40 members of the Freedom Caucus refuse to vote for any member who seeks to compromise with the Democrats, a so-called moderate Republican, and the remaining 207 Republican members are not willing to vote for a Freedom Caucus-endorsed candidate, the Republican a Majority is left paralyzed, unable to elect a Speaker. Even if all 188 Democrats voted for a single Democrat, they are far short of having the votes to elect a Speaker. Therefore, we have a stalemate.
Now, nearly a month weeks after the race for Speaker began, Americans are left with more questions than answers when it comes to Republicans and their ability to govern. Perhaps some voters are sensing a poor return on the investment they made back in 2009. It's uncertain when this Republican imbroglio will clear itself up or if the Freedom Caucus will continue to hold the Republican leadership hostage and bring devastating results such as defaulting on our nation’s debt, hurting millions of hardworking Americans in the process.
i picked these excerpts to point out though they gerrymandered, suppressed votes, purged rolls and mislead about times and places to vote and had assist from the scotus they beat their chest saying Americans swept them back into office sending a message that was 2014 we know nothing has gotten done since 2009 

but they still lean on the myth they are the best thing for we the people since sliced bread despite being torn into 4 factions of opposition moderates, conservatives, tea people and libertarians their latest failure inability to pick a leader for themselves but all to willing to offer us 17 of that same failed party to lead the entire nation/world that is that Pinky and the Brain mentality the world has gotten by for millenniums without us leading but they still want that too even though they are still leaderless within themselves.