Monday, October 29, 2012

By Historical Standards, Romney Is Unusually Opaque, Historians Say
ultra rich guy who will not divulge his history or his direction for a country he aspires to take charge of Norquist made it plain we will not be the leader.
Because he’s refused to release more than two years of tax returns, and has rooted his entire campaign in tax, spending, and economic growth plans that lack critical details and defy logical scrutiny, Mitt Romney’s critics, starting with senior Obama advisers, have assailed him as the least transparent candidate since Richard Nixon.
It’s a catchy attack — one that recalls not just Nixon’s candidacies, but his scandal-plagued presidency and ignominious resignation. Which is no doubt why “least transparent candidate since Nixon” has become one of Chicago’s favorite phrases.
But setting aside the Obama campaign’s partisan desire to make voters think of Watergate when they hear the name Mitt Romney, there’s something to the notion that Romney is unusually opaque compared to presidential candidates in the modern era, according to some presidential historians.
"I think the comparison to Nixon is not a very good one, because … Nixon may have been a shadier character in some respects — the Southern strategy, laundering campaign money — but he abided by the norms of the time in terms of disclosure,” said Norm Ornstein, a political scientist at the American Enterprise Institute.
so does this make Romney win the right wing coveted "most opaque" political figure? why are so many lining up for him and claiming all this "great guy fully capable" when they are buying two pigs in one poke, they don't know anything about him other than the obvious, he's white, look how well that's worked out for them. they can try and blame the Black guy but he did not start it and they made it worse by saying know to everything no matter how beneficial to "we the people" it was seen as re-election fodder for the electorate
“I think there’s nobody like Romney,” Ornstein. “Romney is like the Michael Phelps of presidential candidates. if you’re looking for gold medals in terms of audacious lying, and adamant refusal to turn over personal information, nobody comes close. I’m sure others would’ve liked to have done it, but the culture in the past was one where lying attracted some level of approbation and shame.”
“Just the fact of avoiding specifics is not all that unusual,” he said. “The fact of doing it in the context of claims that other analysts conclude don’t add up and not being willing to address those concerns, is a little less common in my memory at least.”
Romney’s fiscal policies remind Buchanan of Nixon’s 1968 campaign, in which he pledged to end the war in Vietnam without providing details — what came to be known as his “secret plan.”
how you gonna feel after Nov.7th when they kick up their real agenda and you are worse off then before? Pres. not a pig in a poke, but a Pres. who would be great if not for peromise's to sink him and you which almost came to fruition if not for The Pres. recognize if you plan to vote for Romney, check yourself before you wreck yourself.