Tuesday, August 4, 2015

George Will Spreading Dangerous Lies. Well I Never


Well trust him to get on the bandwagon, outrage pushed to 11
We are wallowing in this moral swamp because the Supreme Court accelerated the desensitization of the nation by using words and categories about abortion the way infants use knives and forks -- with gusto, but sloppily. 
Because Planned Parenthood's snout is deep in the federal trough, decent taxpayers find themselves complicit in the organization's vileness. What kind of a government disdains the deepest convictions of citizens by forcing them to finance what they see in videos -- Planned Parenthood operatives chattering about bloody human fragments? "Taxes," said Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., "are what we pay for civilized society." Today they finance barbarism.
As media matters points out
Despite Will's declaration that taxes "finance barbarism," Planned Parenthood does not use any federal money for abortion procedures -- it's been unlawful for nearly 40 years.
This is the typical right wing method of attack. Base your own lies on a deceptive series of faked and falsified video reports. No matter what the reality actually is, ignore it.
Shame on the Washington Post for printing this type of fallacious opinion.

is there really any question to this guys position he sits at thge Fox news sunday table Obama bashing and denying everything that his party has failed to do for 7 years that Pres. has done.  every plan every bill none have passed muster with Will or his fellow doom and gloomers who want you to believe their baseless opinions over 97% of scientist and the greater percent of the medical world.