![Baptist Fight In The Cafeteria!](
Well, Brethren, it appears that Saint Cruz and Saint Huckabee are spitting brimstone at each other.
They both attended the North Texas Presidential Forum at Prestonwood Baptist Church in Fort Worth along with all the other Republican Presidential Jesus Junta.
The pastor at Prestonwood, Jack Graham, endorsed Huckabee four years ago.
Back then, Graham called Huckabee’s message “God’s word from God’s man.”
But this year, Ted hit the stage flinging swords and floods. Honey, you’d have thought Lott’s wife had never looked back.
The younger Cruz turned up the heat right away, declaring an “awakening — we are seeing a spirit of revival across this nation.”When Cruz said, “Our consitutional rights are under assault,” voices shouted back, “Yeah!” and “Amen!”Cheers rose again when he said, “2016 is going to be a religious liberty election,” and brought up the 1980 pivot-turn election of President Reagan: “I believe 2016 will be an election like 1980.”
I’ve seen enough tent revivals in my life to know that you better grab ahold of your wallet and and good sense because that man will steal both.
let's make this a short and sweet, this is what happens when they lose a common cause kim the bigot they revert to attacking one another. Cruz especially has a beef remember how Huckabee tried to edge him out of an appearance at the Davis release they say elephants never forget what they left ot was only when they've been slammed all other things guess the brain addling comes from huffing elephant dung they spread all over. okay i blewit again on the short and sweet +o)