spoiler alert break out the Windex you're about to experience a major hypocrisy drip on your monitor.
Isn't it time to turn the tables on Bill O’Reilly’s comparison of #BlackLivesMatter to the KKK?
Last week, Bill O’Reilly attacked #BlackLivesMatter for not repudiating some outlier protesters caught chanting, “Pigs in a blanket, fry ‘em like blanket” as well as another group chanting “What do we want? Dead cops? When do want them? Now!” And even though #BlackLivesMatters is a non-violent group, O’Reilly also compared them to the KKK.
one question for bilo, name one thing your party has repudiate about Pres. and his ObamaCare or stimulus or his family??????????????????????????????????? wow got off a short and sweet one there+o) oh two questions has he repudiated any of the lies he's been found to have made about himself?????????????