Thursday, September 24, 2015

Chris Christie gives New Jersey National Guard leader 90 days to lose weight or else

Chris Christie caricature

Nothing like a little public humiliation to whip somebody into shape. Governor Chris Christie orders top National Guard leader in New Jersey to get in shape:
The governor has given Air Force Brig. Gen. Michael Cunniff 90 days to slim down and meet his obligations.
The action comes after Christie's staff told The Washington Post that the governor was unaware the general had been reprimanded by the Pentagon about his weight and for repeatedly dodging physical-fitness tests.
Brig. Gen. Michael Cunniff says he's taking the warning seriously:
"Many people struggle with weight control - I am not immune from this," the general said in the statement. "However, I do recognize that military members and leaders, like myself, are held to a higher standard. I take this matter seriously and am taking the necessary steps to remedy this issue," the general said.
While it is true the leader of the New Jersey National Guard needs to get in shape and comply with military regulations, you know it had to be hard to stomach those orders coming from Governor Christie.
i think he should have pulled the Gen. off to the side and made it a private order instead of coming off like he's suffering from pot kettle syndrome and goose gander denial people see it as hypocritically incorrect given his state of being.  

not the actions of a true leader but more of a self hating bully.  republicans should tell him the same thing if he wants to run for president after all how much can WH furniture withstand??????? /s