Monday, August 12, 2013

Rick Santorum in Iowa: 'Middle Class' is 'Marxism Talk'

Is there such thing as “class” in America? Not if you ask Rick Santorum. The once and possibly future GOP presidential candidate spoke to a Republican gathering in Lyon County, Iowa late last week and shared this piece of advice with his party: “Don’t use the term the other side uses.” That includes the “middle class.”
Santorum proceeded to tear into President Obama for constantly invoking the term “middle class” in his speeches about the economy. “Since when in America do we have classes?” Santorum asked. “Since when in America are people stuck in areas or defined places called a class? That’s Marxism talk.”
wasn't this guy denied by his party 2012 because of his super extreme rhetoric on sex and now he's in that right wing insanity mode doing the same thing with a different target. does he realize that the coveted status of middle class is not something you want to be calling something other than American?
He said that every time Republicans used the term “middle class” they are “buying into” Democrats’ “rhetoric of dividing America.” Instead, Santorum insisted “there’s no class in America” and it’s a place where “everyone has the opportunity to succeed.”
aside from the everybody has the opportunity lie he just insulted over 75 million Americans as being non existent, and class sorely missing in the republican experience, guess you can call anyone classless if you have no idea what it is.