Thursday, September 24, 2015

Family confirms California teen who was beaten by police was on his way to school, didn't jaywalk

Emilio Mayfield

His name is Emilio Mayfield and we now know that moments before he was confronted, assaulted, and arrested by police on the morning of Wednesday, September 16, he was catching public transportation to his local school.
In his first interview after the brutal and excessive assault, Mayfield opened up about what happened on that Stockton, California street and how he sees himself in spite of it all.
“I see myself as a great young man, successful in school. I feel traumatized. I was beaten and slammed on the floor."
Both Mayfield and the police also now confirm that he was not "jaywalking" as had been previously reported, but that he simply stepped into a lane adjacent to the sidewalk that was reserved for busses. 
No curb exists between the sidewalk and this lane and Emilio, according to eyewitnesses, stepped in the bus lane for about two seconds when he was confronted by an officer for doing so.
What's completely preposterous is attempting to rationalize how in the hell a 250-pound officer with his night stick drawn ended up on top a kid on his way to school because he stepped in the bus lane. This case is the epitome of excessive force and likely would not have happened to anyone other than a young black boy.
obviously there were eye witnesses but stepping in a bus lane in order to board the bus and within 2 seconds you are attacked by police for doing so???  would it have been better in the cop's eyes had the bus pulled up onto the sidewalk to load passengers or would he have boarded the bus an attacked the driver??  

keep in mind no curb between sidewalk and bus lane so how did other kids board and why weren't they attacked????  selective mayhem.

if it happened that way this guy was looking to beat up on a kid, we can't monitor the mindset of police going on shift but there is usually some indicator and they are supposedly trained to pick up on such mannerisms time to police yourself police without the blue wall putting citizens at risk even death.