Well, the Republicans are forcing our troops to reap what Republicans sowed with their demagoguery. Shots at American troops on our soil.
HATTIESBURG, Miss. (AP) — A sheriff in Mississippi says authorities are searching for two men who fired gunshots from a vehicle at soldiers at a military facility. No injuries were reported.
Perry County Sheriff Jimmy Dale Smith tells WDAM-TV ( that the shots were fired just after noon Tuesday. The soldiers were training at Camp Shelby Joint Forces Training Center in Hattiesburg.
U.S. Special Forces Command designated Camp Shelby as one of the sites where a multi-state military training exercise, "Jade Helm 15", was expected to take place, according to The Army Times.
About 4,600 soldiers are participating in the training exercise, which is scheduled to continue through mid-August.
Smith says officers are searching for a two-door, red Ford Ranger with "broken arrow" written across the top. Authorities say they are looking for two white males who allegedly fired from the vehicle and fled in the vehicle.
TPM:2 Men Open Fire On Soldiers At Jade Helm Training Site In Mississippi
i know when i started posting my thoughts about the republicans gun crusade putting one in every crazy they could gearing up to assauts on gov't and murdering citizens of color that it was nonsense not going to happen some might even have laughed, we know those who oppose cheered them on.
now it's coming home to roost republicans have stirred up the ED and now the smell of southern aggression is permeating the country this will only create more incentive for others to follow suit they are to blame they are the ones who lie to us saying Pres. is trying to tear the country apart and divide us, take a look back at what Pres. has always been about and look at their track record realize who's zoomin' who????
remember this myth was started in Texas and is now crossing borders into other foreign southern states.