The battle for the black heart and soul of the Republican Party is in full swing as we approach the first primary debates of the Republican presidential shit show, led by sometimes World Wresting Entertainment star Donald Trump. Fox News wanted to tap into the minds of the average Republican voter in New Hampshire, so they pulled together a focus group and brought in Republican consultant Frank Luntz to lead the way.
From the minute Donald Trump's name was mentioned, the focus group began to have a complete meltdown, eventually turning into a shouting match. If you want a glimpse of what Trump is doing to the Republican party, look no further than these exchanges:
“Trump is the boss I have to constantly follow around and fix all the stuff that he broke with his mouth,” one man told the group. ...
“This is a live sitcom we’re watching here!” one woman shouted.
One hard-core supporter compared Trump to Ronald Reagan and said it was likely he would be elected. A man in the row behind her shouted her down.
“He changes his positions like he changes his underwear!” he said. “He donated to Hillary! He’s donated to all these Democrats!”
“I don’t care!” the supporter shot back.
“I want a president that’s gonna want to do what the taxpayers want him to do, and what the Constitution says he’s supposed to do,” another woman said. “Not what Donald wants Donald to do.”i keep looking at these people praising Trump and others through the years like Reagan have any of those pictured ever looked to see if trickle down worked for them or the fact that Trump has laid out not one plan to date for any of these things he claims "he" is going to do inference is by himself.
he tries to portray himself as the all in one solution to gov't common sense tells us he can not do squat on his own he will be under the thumb of the republican party who most of are responsible to Koch et al you have the 4 factions all with different agendas
yet we have this lady saying he's going to do what taxpayers want republicans have never did what taxpayers want except the some they are able to fool into thinking what they tell them they want is what they want and the other suggesting he'll not do what he wants to do true but in direct opposition to what they just said doing what taxpayers want but not what he wants implies they realize his rhetoric is common but puts the action in his lap.
i wonder are they making decisions on who leads them strictly on who has the most foul separatist rhetoric or just the party that tells them they represent them while passing laws that take everything from them????????????