Chuck Todd is unhappy with Donald Trump's Republican candidacy. He is making the other candidates feel bad. He is not playing by everyone else's rules. Has he even "earned" the right to run?
This is the problem with Trump. He doesn't play by a set of rules. And this is why campaigns complain to folks like me off the record but they don't have the guts to criticize him on the record because they know he's kind of a media bully. You know what I mean? He doesn't -- he plays by his own set of rules. He'll say whatever.[...]
We all have a responsibility here I think to say, you know, has he earned his way on this stage? I mean, again, we're four years removed from the ridiculous spectacle of birtherism.
We're not at all removed from his ridiculous spectacle of birtherism, given that Donald Trump has still not admitted error on that one. And while I would love a new press rule that says America no longer has to take conspiracy peddlers and devoid-of-facts liars seriously, at the moment top Republican voices in Congress are contemplating whether or not to possibly shut down the federal government—again—in response to yet another one of the frothing base's lunatic conspiracy theories.
Donald Trump's theories on the un-Americanness of the current sitting president are not intrinsically less embarrassing than previous candidates' notions of a government setting up secret death panels. Or government "ammo hoarding." Or Benghazi "stand-down" orders. Or a worldwide network of powerful, sinister climate scientists plotting against ma and pa coal plant.
In case some of us are still unclear on this, the promotion of lunatic conspiracy theories has been the defining characteristic of the new, "tea party"-enabled Republican policymakers. Donald Trump's suppositions that, for example,
Mexican immigrants are mostly drug dealers is fundamentally identical to House immigration policy maker Steve King, who admonished us all to note the super-sized calves of those same immigrants, a characteristic of ferrying heavy drug loads across that border. Welcome to modern American politics, my dear media stalwarts. Feel free to pull up a chair and watch for a while.
I don't want to see the Republican primary race or any presidential race turn into a three-ring circus and us, you know, sitting there going isn't this great? And look at the shiny metal objects. It's not fair to what is the strongest Republican party presidential field in 36 years.
i hear the republicans don't really want Trump he's arrogant and regardless to what some under informed think he will try to do what he wants to do in spite of multi party line which is conservatives, moderates, tea people and libertarians all with a different recipes to rule America do you really thing the big bidders of the WH and their minions will let him ruin their plans????
just like republicans he too has stated no plan no way to make it better but telling us constantly how bad it is and the terrible job Pres. is doing okay let's play devils advocate for a minute and say he's doing a terrible job at least he's doing something he's not obstructing everything denying we the people social networks
he's not screwing those he said he was going to help rise economically he's not racially dividing the country he's has not been lying and denying for 7 years he's stopped the republican 750,000 job monthly loss to 6 digit jobs added each month with no help from them and in some cases his own party. but according to republicans he's the worse in history.
so it would take a concentrated on one to believe the same garbage just because it's a different year. G W Bush, "you can fool some of the people all of the time and those are the ones you want to concentrate on". Chuck Todd republican's new collaborator railing against Trump is a marching order from right wing elite.
strongest presidential field in 36 years huh or weakest minded electorate in 36 years infighting, division, back stabbing and lying sounds like the same old presidential field of the last 36 years, we will know better after tonight's display. IMO add some white grease paint and call it Kabuki theater no offense to the Japanese or Cirque de Republica.