Tomorrow, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamim Netanyahu will stream a live, interactive address to millions of U.S. citizens in the American Jewish community. The goal? Convince U.S. Jews to reject President Obama's diplomatic agreement with Iran as he and pro-Israel lobbying groups intensify pressure on Congress to do the same.
This address―sponsored by American Friends of Likud, the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish American Organizations and Jewish Federations―is an incredible breach of diplomatic protocol. Indeed, it rivals (if not exceeds) the breach he opened in his anti-Iran-deal speech before Congress this past spring.
For not only is Netanyahu meddling in our nation's affairs, he is also a) tearing at the very fabric of the American Jewish community while b) simultaneously endangering Jews in this country.
On that first point, Netanyahu is driving a wedge not just between Israel and American Jews with his anti-Iran-deal blitz, but between American Jews themselves. Approximately sixty percent of U.S. Jews currently support President Obama's Iran deal. However, this address by Netanyahu is sponsored by two of the largest Jewish organizations in America charged with representing the interests of the entire Jewish community.
Unfortunately, by inviting Netanyahu to interfere in U.S. foreign policy with a lobbying address to U.S. Jews, these organizations are not representing their community. Instead, they're fighting its members. A fight which prompted Peter Beinart to ask, "Why don't American Jewish groups represent American Jews on Iran?"
The answer is simple: Netanyahu and massive 'pro-Israel' donors are placing hawkish, pro-war political interests ahead of ― well, everything else. Netanyahu once declared that he represented "the entire Jewish people" in his opposition to the Iran deal. Now, with U.S. Jews proving that to be demonstrably false, Netanyahu, Jewish and 'pro-Israel' organizations are tag-teaming to wage a lobbying war against the Jewish community itself.
this guy has only had one agenda in mind get us to have his back while he starts a war with Iran and what better cohorts can he have than the US Congess after all they are all right winger war mongering hypocrites.
Netanyahu wants to use us as his big brother he can call in case he gets a bloody nose we are not the ones. he make antagonizing remarks tries to usurp the Presidential power of our country by siding with the party who has declared it's intent to do nothing to help this Pres. and they seeking him out together they tried to sink the nuke talks that is treason and for the PM collusion to commit treason.
he should be rebuked publicly by those he seeks to turn against the Pres. and we need to re-assess our relationship with someone as backstabbing and dishonest as he and if Israel wants our help dump the traitor, he only wants to put you and us in harms way of more war.