The ACLU, Children's Law Center, and Dinsmore & Shohl have filed a lawsuit on behalf of an 8-year-old girl and a 9-year-old boy, both special needs students, who were cruelly handcuffed by a Kentucky sheriff's deputy at their school:
The children, an 8-year-old boy and a 9-year-old girl, were so small that the school resource officer, Kenton County Deputy Sheriff Kevin Sumner in Covington, Kentucky, locked the handcuffs around the children's biceps and forced their hands behind their backs, the lawsuit charges. A disturbing video shows the boy, S.R., being shackled and crying out in pain. S.R. has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and a history of trauma.
The girl, L.G, was twice handcuffed behind her back by her biceps, also causing her pain. L.G. has ADHD and other special needs. Both children were being punished for behavior related to their disabilities. Neither was arrested nor charged with any criminal conduct. The lawsuit was filed on their behalf.
The ACLU and the Children's Law Center say the lawsuit is aimed at justice for the kids and better training for police, particularly when it comes to dealing with special needs students:
Students of color and students with disabilities are especially vulnerable to push-out trends and the discriminatory application of discipline. One child in this case is Latino, and the other is African-American.
In addition to Sumner, the lawsuit names Kenton County Sheriff Chuck Korzenborn, alleging his failure to adequately train and supervise Sumner, a school resource officer for several public elementary schools in Covington. The complaint further claims that the Kenton County Sheriff’s Office violated the Americans with Disabilities Act based on its treatment of the children.have you been paying attention to the states where the atrocities are being committed on kids they are red states the states republicans want to return all power and decisions to this is what you get along with refusal of healthcare and other social networks and a direct targeting of those not White.
where are the people do they support this kind of treatment for children are they trying to indoctrinate them into a world of exclusion and discrimination?????