The mother of a 7-year-old, second grader at Forest Park Elementary School in Fort Wayne Indiana, has filed a lawsuit against the teacher who allegedly sat her son down, quizzed him about his belief in God and then made him sit alone at lunch for three straight days as some crazy kind of punishment.
The lawsuit says that this was a violation of the child's First Amendment rights and that there has been "no meaningful attempt" to remedy the injuries the child experienced as a result of this horrendous bit of infuriating idiocy.
9. On or about February 23, 2015, A.B. and his classmates were on the playground during
the school day immediately before lunch when A.B. was asked by one of his classmates if he attended church.
10. A.B. responded by stating that he did not go to church and did not believe in God. He also stated that it was fine with him if his inquiring classmate believed in God.
11. The classmate said that A.B. had hurt her feelings by saying that he did not believe in God and started to cry.
12. A playground supervisor reported to Ms. Meyer what had happened.
13. At that point the students were going to lunch and Ms. Meyer asked A.B. if he had told
the girl that he did not believe in God and A.B. said he had and asked what he had done wrong.
14. Ms. Meyer asked A.B. if he went to church, whether his family went to church, and whether his mother knew how he felt about God.
The suit alleges that Ms. Meyer said she was going to tell the child's mother—a threat she didn't carry out because deep down in her God-fearing soul she probably realized that she was being a wicked devil of an adult. How did this get resolved? According to the complaint the two children were sent to another "adult" who told the offended girl that it was a good thing she had faith and that she didn't need to listen to the child's "bad ideas."
22. On the day of the incident and for an additional two days thereafter, Ms. Meyer required that A.B. sit by himself during lunch and told him he should not talk to the other students and stated that this was because he had offended them. This served to reinforce A.B.’s feeling that he had committed some transgression that justified his exclusion.
28. After this three-day period, and after V.S. complained, A.B. was told by Ms. Meyer and other teachers that he could believe what he wants.
29. But this was after A.B. had been publicly separated from his classmates and informed that he could not speak to them. All the students in his class heard and were aware of this. He was publicly shamed and made to feel that his personal beliefs were terribly wrong.
If the moral fabric of your religious beliefs are threatened by a 7-year-old, your beliefs are shitcould not find what i thought was a more evangelical influence it sounds more like something their members would do especially with their desire to indoctrinate kids into their fold. also it's emblematic of their myth of being religiously suppressed while doing just that to everyone else if someone wants to be an Atheist than shaming them and denying them that right is what evangelicals say is happening to them.
how did she know if it wasn't the mothers teachings and what she wanted for that kid the same as they do, if it had been someone browbeating their evangelical teachings to their kids well we actually already are experiencing that.
this is a opinion of my own if it walks like, talks like an evangelical it must be an evangelical, i leave room for me being mistaken until i see other wise i will keep this opinion.