Thursday, June 4, 2015

Teen stripped of National Honor Society position because she dared wear a sun dress—in Florida

Cameron and Caroline Boland discussing the dress controversy on Fox News

Cameron Boland is by all accounts a model student—captain of the basketball team, class president, delegate for the leadership camp Girl State, and historian for her school's honor society chapter. She won an election to represent her county as a National Honor Society officer, but that title didn't last long:
Cameron won a coveted election for NHS historian for Lee County in early May and within an hour had been stripped of the title — because of what she was wearing — a spaghetti-strap style sundress.
She even offered to wear a jacket to cover the offensive shoulders, but school officials persisted in stripping her of the honor. Needless to say, her mother, Caroline Boland, and other parents are upset:
"The point is she won an election," Caroline Boland said, adding that for her daughter's perceived infraction there is nowhere in the Code of Conduct where the punishment is to strip a title.
"The first response is supposed to be a verbal warning and then contact with a parent," Caroline Boland said. She said she was not apprised of the issue until her daughter came home and told her what happened.
i think this is part of the right wing attempt to change curriculum to be more ring wing restrictictive and indoctrinating young women into a world where censorship of them is in real time i also believe that these school board rulings we've seen of late are to protect the young boys from their libidinous ways and not inciting them to rape and assault in effect protecting them from themselves while making the young women and her presence the catalyst for that uncontrolled behavior but does it not also say that "if she dresses in any way you choose to label as seductive then you are not responsible if you take advantage and violate her it's all her fault"????  right wing and republicans support rape by male perpetrators.  she lives in Lee county Fla. any surprises???