Thursday, June 4, 2015

The Guardian UK embarrasses All US Media but will we notice?
The Guardian UK has decided to keep a running total of ALL people killed by police in 2015, and keep a live running total that you can check on their website.
They break it down demographically and by state to make it easy to see what is happening in this nation.
It's even interactive. You can give them info, that they might not have been given by local agencies where you live.
Can you imagine any entity in our so called free press doing something like this?
I can't, because nothing has stood in the way of any newspaper or network and prevented them from doing the same thing. Yet until The Guardian did, we've been told that the Federal government doesn't keep track of this, local and state governments don't coordinate the data and as a result doing it was impossible for any American media to accomplish.
That they are doing so has been referenced in another diary as a source of data, but the focus of that diary was a specific set of data in a companion project covering police killings from 2012-2015.
It wasn't focused on what an incredible undertaking this is by a foreign media outlet to give Americans news that our own media has never tried to give us and until recently basically claimed it was impossible to accomplish since there are no central reporting structures to ask.
The fact that this data was so available to anyone asking that a British paper published it without turning over heaven and earth really should embarrass our own media, all of it. Even our most Liberal entities never have seemed to gather themselves up to do the same thing.
this should be embarrassing to American citizens as well as awakening that we are in a perpetual state of low information we talk about Fox but now other networks NBC/COMCAST are trying to emulate them seeking a larger audience but to beat them you have to become them in order to win over their faithfuls they will not show up unless their red meat bleeds more or as much as Fox's.

so by default that would imply that we too now will be under informed and half cocked,  this is the time for those liberal billionaires to step up and keep it real with a different media aimed at the truth i know it would be a losing effort at first because truth is boring but with the right approach and narrative we will embrace it.  remember there are more of us than them evidenced by 2008-12 elections, 2014 was some of us falling victim to the right wing propaganda and not interested enough to try and find out the truth.  let that be a time to remember but not one to repeat.