Friday, May 1, 2015

Watch a Baltimore protester hand Geraldo Rivera (and the media) his ass

Protester confronts Geraldo Rivera at Baltimore protest
                        "Don't walk away, just listen to me. Talk to me."
A protester in West Baltimore confronted Geraldo Rivera last night before he went to his live shot for Fox News. He went OFF on Geraldo, asking where were you before this?
Protester: You want to report that we're thugs and we're breaking shit down. You got these two black dudes protecting you (talking about Geraldo's bodyguards) from all these black folks. We're the ones that need protection! Report for us! You're working for Fox News. Adam Jackson just went on Sean Hannity....(Geraldo tries to get away) Why are you running away? 
Talk to me. Just talk to me. Listen, a black man can raise his voice and you don't have to be intimidated. (Geraldo mumbles something) Because I want you and Fox News to get out of Baltimore City. Because you are not here reporting about the boarded up homes and the homeless people on the MLK. You're not reporting about the poverty levels up and down North Avenue. Two years ago, when the 300 man march and we marched (street names), you weren't here. You're here for the black riots! You're not here for the death of Freddie Gray.
The unidentified protester then began saying he wanted to talk to Geraldo and pleaded for the cameras to be turned off before continuing:
I want the white media out of Baltimore City until you are here to report the real story.

was Geraldo afraid or the truth was just not Fox worth?  he is so right America White and some Black don't want to be reminded of those left behind they want it out of sight and out of mind it helps to alleviate the the responsibility brought about by the very same attitude for centuries, but if there is civil unrest they are there in their helicopters video trucks live feeds from the site while others opine about their knowledge of what causes this push back against the irrelevance they are given unless something dramatic happens then they are further mentally injured becuse they hear it's because their dad is not there and it's his fault and their dissent is because they never had a father image.

i take umbrage to that canned assessment by White America i didn't know my father till i was 15 because of my mother not allowing it for her personal reasons. she remarried this guy goes on to beat me and her but i served my country, i owned by own business for 10 years successfully till diagnosed with a brain tumor i think i turned out fine never been to prison locked up overnight a couple of times and i'm now 66 yrs. old.   this morning i listento Scarborough demean my race with tireless rants of the same there were two Black guest one a man who i always have questioned he comes off as a DINO mostly and a woman can't remember her name now but she took exception to Scarborough's rant and let him know it.  i will look for it and post so you can see the bigoted "i know Black peoples problem" assumed by White TV personalities.