Friday, May 1, 2015

Jimmy Carter Explains The Biggest Problem In Presidential Campaigns Today (And It's Not Ted Cruz)

According to International Business Journal, former President Jimmy Carter said he raised 'zero' money in donations during his 1976 run against the current President Gerald Ford, who also reportedly raised no campaign donations. They relied upon public financed campaigns, and Carter doubts he could raise the minimum of $200 million it takes to run today (not that he'd want to run). A charitable man, Mr. Carter lives modestly and has most likely given much of his accumulated wealth to The Carter Center, which he and his wife Rosalynn founded in 1982.
Using only public campaign funding back then had some good benefits, but one benefit stands out as colossal, to the candidate - and to the American people:
'We didn't raise money, so we weren't obligated to any special interest groups, and now, of course, very wealthy people are giving unlimited amounts of money, almost, because of the Supreme Court ruling on Citizens United," the Democrat added.
and there it is they say money is the root of all evil.  we see todays candidates jockeying for front of the line of political handouts those that give 5 to 25.00 just expect that candidate to be elected because they espouse their views and needs, thosethat give 10 million are looking to buy not only something legislatively profitable to them but the politician that can deliver it.

scotus knew that when they approved citizens united dirty money drop bags into politics granted it's always been there bribery is the number one non political tool for gain in politics or is it really the major political tool???  so is it the money or man's inherent lusting after it i believe they call that supply and demand but without the demand there would be no need or incentive to supply it.

i think they started this in order to get unfavorable people elected with anoher agenda then the one they state as their platform.  position has always determined political climate as well back in the olden days only landowners which you would have to be rich in order to be one could vote on everybody else's future now SSDD.  rich will never vote against being and staying rich that is why they should no longer dictate our lives we are not one of them but pawns on a chessboard moved at theirpleasure for their advancing profits. recognize