Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Republicans prove they love the banksters more than the troops

Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH) speaks about funding for the Department of Homeland Security during a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington February 25, 2015. Conservative Republicans urged House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner no

Remember how a couple of weeks back Republicans on the House Armed Services Committee were trying to get an amendment into the defense authorization bill that would stop the Pentagon from issuing rules that would stop predatory lenders from gouging service members? Democrats including Rep. Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) stopped it in committee, but that doesn't mean Republicans are done doing the banking lobby's bidding.
This week, Rep. Steve Stivers (R-Ohio) will offer legislation that would block DOD from finalizing its rules until a host of unrealistic technical certifications could be made for a database of active-duty military members. The House will vote on Stivers' plan as an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act, a major bill that establishes military funding.
Thousands of service members receive short-term, high-interest loans each year, according to a 2014 report by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which has documented a raft of abusive tactics targeting soldiers and their families. One family that took out a $2,600 loan ended up paying back $3,966.84 over the course of a year. Another borrower spent $1,428.28 to pay off a $485 loan in just six months.
Stivers has been one of the payday lending industry's favorite members of Congress since he took office in 2011. Over the 2012 and 2014 election cycles, payday loan companies contributed $69,625 to his campaign, according to data from the Center for Responsive Politics.
You can't blame it all on Stivers, though. After all, his amendment is getting another opportunity on the House floor, which means that Republican leadership is on his side on this one. Duckworth says she's still up for the fight: "I remain steadfast in my commitment to enacting these reforms and standing up for our Service Members. Now is the time to act." It's nearly impossible in the House for a member of the minority to block anything from happening, so right now the best hope is to embarrass the hell out of Republicans for even thinking of doing this. Which is what White House press secretary Josh Earnest is doing. "It's almost too difficult to believe that you'd have a member of Congress looking to carry water for the payday loan industry, and allow them to continue to target in a predatory fashion military families who in many cases are already in a vulnerable financial state," he said, continuing "to allow predatory lenders to target them is something that I can't imagine earning the majority support in the United States Congress."
looks like they were also lying while professing their love and caring about the troops we know they give less than gnat crap about vets who are still troops in my eyes.  they wanted to cut benefits to us vets but not a peep about cutting tax breaks and loopholes for rich sounds awfully anti military when it comes to the troops and vets but they are war hawks you say yeah military industrial complex military is where their heart would be if they had one now it's all about the Benjamin's.

republicans are vtheir name screwing Americans is their game recognize