Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Pope Francis: 'Many powerful people don't want peace because they live off war'


Pope Francis waves as he arrives to lead the weekly audience in Saint Peter's square at the Vatican March 25, 2015. REUTERS/Stefano Rellandini - RTR4URKU

Pope Francis, Pope of Popes, is once again making the news. This time for some incredibly powerful quotes about those who may have an agenda against peace:
Pope Francis said Monday that "many powerful people don't want peace because they live off war". The Argentine pontiff made the hard-hitting comment in response to a question from one of the 7,000 children taking part in an audience held with the Peace Factory organisation. "This is serious," Francis told the children.
"Some powerful people make their living with the production of arms.
"It's the industry of death".
He ended his session with the children on a positive note:
“Whenever we do something together,” said Pope Francis, “something good, something beautiful, everyone changes – all of us change in some way – and this does us good,” he said. “All of us today should leave this encounter changed in some small way: but for the worse, or for the better?” he asked.
“For the better! For the better!” they cried, and Pope Francis agreed. He thanked them and blessed them, and sent them on their way.
no doubt about it Pope Frankie got it like that.  i'm not Catholic but i believe in him like i never had any other Pope he is definitely not somebody's puppet he is a man of God and teaches his lessons note the distinct difference in the evangelical teachings.  that is a religious leader not a faux religion chain puller.  he preaches togetherness all people incluisive not tearing us apart and teaching discrimination and hate.  some need to take notes and recognize