Friday, May 15, 2015

Republican candidates agree: Ronald Reagan is the greatest living president

U.S. President George W. Bush (R) and his brother, Florida Governor Jeb Bush, REUTERS/Jim Young

Republican presidential candidates are united: The greatest president alive today is Ronald Reagan.
"Obviously the greatest president of my lifetime is Ronald Reagan," said Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal.
"I'll leave that to the people to decide," said Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, which is his guaranteed go-to line for questions he doesn't want to answer. "Certainly the greatest president of recent generations was Ronald Reagan."
"I was a big fan, a very big fan of Ronald Reagan," real estate mogul Donald Trump said.
Ronald Reagan, as you might recall, has been dead for 11 years.
Which has done wonders for his image, by the way. But the question being asked was which of the currently living presidents each candidate finds most impressive, which is very obviously CNN correspondent Chris Moody just trying to torment the poor fellows. None of them will be giving a Democratic president the nod, so either you have to say George W. Bush is the greatest living president, and not even the dumbest of Republican candidates is willing to hitch their wagon to that mule, or you say George Bush the Elder is the greatest living president, and c'mon. Seriously, c'mon.
this just proves these people are so fuddle minded they can't pay attention long enough to hear let alone correctly answer a question.  i think with all the hyperbole on their side they are in an ever ready state of getting "THE QUESTION" and have created patented answers problem is that the trigger buzz words are not equip with the ability to distinguish what is really being asked so in cases like this they drag Reagans molding carcass out hoist it up on their shoulders and parade him around.

it seems they confuse another lying right wing republican's adherence to the policy of screw everyone and fix it so we are the benefactors (trickle down).  until that fateful day when they found out how many times he raised taxes and compromised and he was doing all the no no stuff they they were praising him for being the shinning example on his own hill, how heart  breaking it must have been.  then we heard his name no more for awhile.

then someone would forget and needed something to boost their own bona fides and out comes the molding carcass, than like their voter base after an election put them away till next time when they promise them to same things they never deliver it's like the campaign promise that keeps on giving.