Friday, May 8, 2015

Jeb Bush Names Brother George as His Most Influential Counselor



Own man, my foot. From The Washington Post:
When asked this week at an exclusive Manhattan gathering about who advises him on U.S.-Israel policy, Jeb Bush surprised many of the 50-plus attendees by naming his brother, former president George W. Bush, as his most influential counselor.
“If you want to know who I listen to for advice, it’s him,” Bush said Tuesday, speaking to a crowd of high-powered financiers at the Metropolitan Club, according to four people present.
The remark came as part of an answer to a question about Bush’s political advisers and their policy views. Bush was pressed for details about who he surrounds himself with and consults as he thinks through his positions, guests said.
wait is he trying to back out of the race by default"?   he either is as dumb as a bag of hair or has some kind of delusion of grandeur of his families political prowess and stature among the majority of voters or he's been brain dead since big brothers tenure on through the recent saving of our economy by the Pres.? any one of those alone would disqualify him from office of the president.  remember mama told him not to go. another reason why it's time for a women to sit in the big chair they seem to know best while the men have brought us to what Pres. has been cleaning up for going on 7 years recognize especially with republican presidents all about a pissing match wave a saber carry a gun if it looks or sounds funny it's a target, could that be a reason for the mid east hating us and Americans hating politics???