Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Boehner: 'Ask any employer' about Obamacare, so hey, ask me!

      Obamacare is such a failure, it can't even kill the jobs Republicans said it would!

Meet the Press:
TODD: You made some dire predictions about health care. 2014 you said fewer people would have health insurance. According to plenty of surveys, more people have health insurance today than they did before it went down from – the uninsured rate went down 17 percent to just under 12 percent. You said it would destroy jobs. The first year it was implemented, the country added 3 million jobs. Why…
BOEHNER: Obamacare made it harder for employers to hire people. The economy expands and as a result, you are going to have more employees because businesses have to. But if you can ask any employer in America, and ask them whether Obamacare has made it harder for them to hire employees, they’ll tell you yes. Because it’s a fact.
There's the substantive response to this nonsense here.
But hey, Boehner says "ask any employer in America", and it just so happens that I'm one of those. Daily Kos currently employs 35 people. Vox Media, which I co-founded, is sitting at over 400 employees. And both those companies are in America, and so am I!
So ask me, "Has Obamacare has made it harder for you to hire employees?" And the answer is "what the fuck are you talking about? Of course not!" I mean, the whole concept is patently ridiculous. Why would the law make it harder? Note that Boehner doesn't even bother trying to explain why.
You know what would make it easier for me to hire more employees? Universal health care. Take away my healthcare costs at Daily Kos, and I save over $400,000 per year. That's what, four-six employees? I could use those extra employees, too. (With nearly 10 times the employees at Vox Media, I can't imagine how many millions that company would save with universal health care!)
So what is hurting my ability to hire more people? Not Obamacare, which if anything is actually helping because it has lowered the annual increase in insurance premiums. Perhaps that's why not a single business group filed an amicus brief in support of the King v. Burwell Supreme Court case challenging the law. 
i think i just need to point something out 56 times at bat still did not repeal ObamaCares going into 7th year they are still singing that same tune and the lies become more evident every time they make a try to kill it.  with all the positive pro reports and nothing on their side but Hannity fraudulent couples lying and just the wild assumptive guesses by other republicans after 6 years you would think they would realize they can't beat it and take notes from other republicans and join it.  

you know asking a hard question while letting the deceptive response stand sounds like he made a visit to the green room and told Beohner "don't worry i'm on your side say it like you want i got your back".