Monday, May 11, 2015

Guess who else is shipping our jobs overseas?

You are.
That's right, YOU, the American consumer.
Because you just go out and buy gobs and gobs of shit and you don't give a damn if its made here or not. And because you do that, there is always going to be someone willing to make your shit overseas and ship it to you. In fact, YOU are actually the biggest problem here. More than free trade. More than globalization. More than technology.
I'll give you an example of what I mean. You all got tons of iPhones, don't you? Well, I don't. Try as I might to find a single smartphone made in America, I searched out and found the Google & Motorola Moto X, which was at least assembled in Texas. 2500 jobs. Lots of Americans of all races working to at least put together a final product mostly still made overseas. But still, something! My Moto X is a fantastic smartphone. Does everything and is durable. Its even customized, mine is made of a very nice leather. You can get them made of fine grain wood too. Does absolutely everything.
i agree with the premise of this article we do shop basically with a blindfold on and by feel,l if the price is right it feels good, if it has all the dog and whistle things it feels good, if it's a recognized name i feels even better. years ago 60's-70's "MADE I AMERICA" fell into the grip of greedy corporations not so much from outsourcing at the time but for short cutting and poor quality of manufacture as well as components. 

i used to say and this is true, "give me something made in Taiwan or other foreign countries because American made no longer made the grade the stuff did not last.  assembled in America is a bone throw, we were not making good lasting electrical components transistors and diodes and such so we started getting them from those who did know how and that lasted which made the not made in America assembled is tantamount to IKEA you buy it but assemble it yourself dose not make it made by John Q. Public.contrary the republican objection you/we/America did not build it ourselves. recognize