Monday, May 11, 2015

All white upstate New York police pull over and draw guns on four big, scary black ... officers

Mario Alexandre, Sheila Penister, Annette Thomas-Prince and Samuel Washington - four licensed New York State Parole Officers

Yep. This really happened. 
After receiving a 911 call from a women about four big scary people wearing bullet-proof vests, the Rockland County Police Department in upstate New York decided they needed to show up in full force to shut this frightening band of thugs down.
Except, they weren't thugs. They were licensed parole officers, two men and two women, in full uniform, with badges. What they were, was black. They weren't even big, but their blackness, to the 911 caller, maybe made them look larger than life.
Their names are Mario Alexandre, Sheila Penister, Annette Thomas-Prince, and Samuel Washington—four licensed New York state parole officers.
"I was violently pulled out of the vehicle, and I was slammed against the vehicle," Alexandre told CNN's Jason Carroll.
The parole officers state that they were all wearing their department-issued bullet proof vests with their gold badges displayed prominently around their necks. Additionally, they said their car had an official New York State placard displayed conspicuously on the dashboard, according to court documents.
Alexandre and his colleagues were ordered to "raise their arms high in the air." Alexandre stated he was "punched" by a police lieutenant and was "forced out of his vehicle despite having identified himself as a parole officer," the documents state.
Penister said that when she attempted to show her New York State ID to a police sergeant, he "became enraged and approached her in a threatening manner with his hand held on the butt of his gun," court documents state. When all parole officers were identified, they allege they were still forcibly detained and not permitted to leave.
this is an example of what i meant when i saqid some White and Black officers seem to get in a zone and see nothing but the color they profess to be blind to.  if all the identifying factors stated were in place the placard and most obviously deserving of a second look they were in uniform badges shining and i'm sure vocally identifying themselves.  with all that they still continued with the "suspect that look like you" standard for brutal and overly aggressive behavior.  it certainly appears that they missed the placard and the uniforms and badges and saw potential or should i say Black suspects period.

what is it the camera's or the frequency the cops are caught violating and killing people of color i don't remember any time when there were no riots or civil unrest of any kind where swo many are beaten, killed and demonized as if they deserved it or "had it coming" if you go by that those cops who violate better look over their shoulders as we are beginning to see arrest and charges, i don't think it means as much until we start seeing jail time not in a minimum security resort for who they really didn't want 5to go to jail.