Wednesday, May 6, 2015

John Boehner lies about Obamacare, Chuck Todd lets him

Screenshot of Chuck Todd interviewing House Speaker John Boehner on Meet the Press.

House Speaker John Boehner was Chuck Todd's star interview on Sunday's Meet the Press, where he faced "tough" questioning about lots of things. Luckily for Boehner, he didn't face tough follow-up when he lied about Obamacare in his answer.
TODD: You made some dire predictions about health care. 2014 you said fewer people would have health insurance. According to plenty of surveys, more people have health insurance today than they did before it went down from—the uninsured rate went down 17 percent to just under 12 percent. You said it would destroy jobs. The first year it was implemented, the country added 3 million jobs. Why…
BOEHNER: Obamacare made it harder for employers to hire people. The economy expands and as a result, you are going to have more employees because businesses have to. But if you can ask any employer in America, and ask them whether Obamacare has made it harder for them to hire employees, they'll tell you yes. Because it's a fact.
When you look at—you know why there are more people insured? Because a lot more people are on Medicaid. And giving—you know, we expanded Medicaid in a big way. And giving people Medicaid insurance is almost like giving them nothing. Because there aren't—you can’t find a doctor that will see Medicaid patients.
Wow, what a load. Boehner must be talking to a very selective group of employers, because 75 percent of them surveyed last year said that Obamacare wasn't making any difference in their hiring practices. What's more, it's turned out to be not a job-killer, either. The easiest way to prove just how not unhappy American business is with Obamacare is the fact that not one major business organization filed a brief in support of the King v. Burwell challenge to the law.
As for more people being insured? No, Medicaid—which is real coverage, by the way, and darned efficient coverage—doesn't account for all the new coverage. Charles Gaba has the information to refute Boehner readily available. At his last count, there were 10.8 million private plans purchased through the exchanges, and 13.2 million Medicaid enrollments. 
But there are a lot more sources—Gallup, Commonwealth Fund, Rand Corporation, or the Urban Institute, just to confirm that there are lots of insured people. Kaiser Family Foundation will tell you that six in 10 of the people buying private health insurance through the exchanges—that's private insurance—were previously uninsured. You could also note how many private insurers jumped into the Obamacare marketplace when they saw how successful it was in the first year.
you know it's easy to sit there and lie like a dog when the host is obviously on your side and doesn't feel it's his responsibility to correct republican lies on his show, which is in effect agreeing and supporting that agenda.  i believe it is his responsibility to question and seek truth why else would we need him he (Beohner) could just come on sit down in a chair and say what he wants get up and leave, what's the difference???