Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Bill Maher to Texans: ‘You are the White Somalia’

Bill Maher did not pull any punches in his justifiable ridicule of Texans in this week's Real Time. It was his turn as Jon Stewart had his turn earlier this week. He was discussing the Jade Helm 15 military exercise conspiracy theory that has metastasized within the Texas right wing.
"Have you heard of Jade Helm 15?" Bill Maher asked. "It is actually a code name for a routine training exercise the US military is planning to conduct in the Southwest which the tea baggers in Texas are convinced is actually an Obama plot to invade Texas, take their guns, and impose a new world order. Yes, because we hate Lubbock for its freedom."
Bill Maher then went out to state some rather uncomfortable realities about today's Republican Party. "In today's Republican Party you can't call out nutty people for being nutty," Bill Maher said. "Because they are not a small group. In the Republican Party crazy is a constituency."
Maher points out that the governor of Texas has actually called out the Texas Guard to monitor the activities of the United States military. What Maher does not realize is that Greg Abbott cannot allow anyone to get to the right of him. He has Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick eyeing his job. The Republican Party in Texas is in a turmoil where logic is in short supply.
"You rural white people who are always saying things like 'Don't mess with Texas'," Bill Maher said. "Let me tell you something. You are among the most left alone, least messed with people on the planet. You can carry an assault rifle into a Chili's. What more do you want. The right to do it shirtless? You are practically your own independent country now. You have outlawed abortion. You have gutted government regulation. You are armed to the teeth. You are the white Somalia. Stop worrying about getting sucked into the new world order. You are barely in the current world order. And the only reason we conduct military exercises in your area is there is no chance of accidentally damaging anything anybody cares about."
well he didn't lie or mislead or give us misinformation these people not all but just the ones that hold office this last paragraph puts it i perspective they got what the right wing wants everyone is in and knows their place the biggee they get to play cowboy, they changed the curriculum for school kids to be taught the Texas history and mostly to obey without challenge and how to be a good evangelical.

 they claim the Progressives are trying to teach that right wing is bad but it's they who are doing that in reference to us and common core they only want their warped ideas taught to warp their kids, common corp while it leads to level fields it is not on the right wing agenda which is what the fuss is all about.  these people considered secession unless they can cut off their borders north and south tha is not such a intelligent idea.