Wednesday, May 13, 2015

George Zimmerman involved in shootout in Florida

George Zimmerman's truck being towed away
Yes, the same George Zimmerman who shot and killed Trayvon Martin and who has been arrested on multiple domestic violence charges, has been reportedly involved in a shootout in Florida today:
The shooting involved two men and happened on Lake Mary Boulevard about 12:45 p.m., police said.
Officers at the scene said it appeared Zimmerman suffered a minor gunshot wound, Bracknell said.
“He walked normally into the ambulance, so he wasn’t being helped or nothing,” said witness Ricardo Berrare.
A bullet hole was visible in the passenger window of Zimmerman's truck. Police described the shootout as part of an "ongoing dispute" and are investigating two different crime scene areas.
11:55 AM PT: ABC 7 now reporting he injured by shattered glass, not a gunshot wound:
Attorney Don West, a lawyer for Zimmerman, says his client was sprayed with glass from his vehicle's windshield after being involved in a shooting. Zimmerman's injuries were not serious and he has been released form the hospital.
12:08 PM PT: Lake Mary Police Chief says Zimmerman did not fire a gun:
Chief Steve Bracknell said Zimmerman did not shoot, but the other person involved shot at him.
Police initially thought the shooting was a road-rage incident, but Bracknell said that might not be true.
He said the other man involved is someone Zimmerman knows and has had contact with in the past.
Bracknell said that man is cooperating with police.
this guy is the poster boy for what should be the discrimination that permeates our law enforcement and courts when it comes to conviction of those who murder Black men, we've also seen the disappointment of DOJ never seeming to find the racial inclination that looks obvious to most who have been the ones in that jackpot just before police murder another Black man or beat a Black woman.  justice is still eluding us it won't mean anything until there is a officer jailed for the crime until then it's just us.

he sure gets a lot of breaks from not only police but the judicial system as well and he's not even White.  i guess in some states you just need to have a racial kill under your belt to be treated with "you're okay you'e one of us the brother from another mother"  wonder how those decent jurors that went along to get along feel about who they unleashed on the people.  can't help but wonder what will happen when he kills a White guy will he still be Gerorgie from the block????