Saturday, May 16, 2015

Union, Union, Union! Illinois Republican Governor Gets ZERO Votes On His 'Right To Work' Bill

Ouch. Illinois governor, Bruce Rauner, watched his anti-union bill called, 'Right-To-Work,' die a swift, cruel death in the House, on Thursday, with zero votes. Natasha Korecki with Chicago Sun Times reports the the tally was 0 yes votes, 72 no votes, and 37 voting present - "offering a blistering rebuke" to Rauner’s agenda.
 A handful of Republicans went for a walk during the vote, not publicly falling on one side or another.Isn't that nice. How healthy it would be for them, and us, if Republicans would take more walks during voting sessions.
House Republican Leader Jim Durkin, R-Western Springs, lambasted Democrats for moving what he said amounted to “sham bills” in the House. The legislation voted on Thursday was not drafted by the governor’s office. Last week, Illinois House Speaker Mike Madigan had urged Rauner to give him language for a bill, needling Rauner that he had talked about right-to-work for 100 days.
“What’s happening today, what happened last week really is a disservice to this body, to this chamber and to this building,” Durkin said. “I’m embarrassed to be part of this process today. I think this is a very dark moment in this body’s chamber.”
We're embarrassed too, Jim Durkin, but not for what happened on Thursday. We're embarrassed that we have elected officials who want to sabotage unions and union workers in this country, under a misguided bill with a misleading name like, 'Right To Work.' It's kind of like the misnomer, 'Citizens United,' which has nothing to do with 'citizens uniting' at all. It's about uniting and breeding, 'Koch-Suckers.' I digress.
what about the people had it passed their day would be much darker this is the audacity of arrogance sprinkled with indignant posturing because they were not able to stick another elbow to the ribs of their constituents.

FYI   bottom line this is republican right wing factions taking away your right to bargain and negotiate for safe work conditions, reasonable livable wages, sick days for women delivering a child, hours, healthcare.  in effect deregulation of your right in the work force leaving you in their jackpot of control and putting themselves between you and everything in your life. RECOGNIZE